
Saturday, January 15, 2011


I'm back. This was an extremely hard effort today. I was in the red for quite a while today while Scott Kuppersmith just relentlessly punished us. I feel dead. Started to get a few cramps but a some and they subsided. It's just really hard to eat when you are gasping for air and your legs feel like jello. I think I will go to bed now.


ready to depart for roubaix. should have pics!

Friday, January 14, 2011

5 oclock somewhere

time to go home and prepare for tomorrows hammer fest! boo ya - hope the roids don't flare up. 100 mile sin the saddle. YEOW!


Good little spin this morning - felt ok despite the absence of calories and drinking till 220 hours last night!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


thinking really hard about riding in the hood this afternoon. I'm sick and tired of the trainer - boo hoo.


trying to cut weight the old fashion way - really sucks. I feel weak - hope it doesn't effect my riding!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Practice loading a picture!

This is a trial run folks!

Ok - I think I got the hang of this sh*t.

Launch Day

Just launched my new blogger - I hope it's not too labor intensive,,HAHA. We will see.